Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Georgia O'Keeffe From the Lake No. 1

Georgia O'Keeffe From the Lake No. 1Mark Rothko Orange and YellowAlfred Gockel Endless Love
Lord Asriel said, "Marisa, wake up. We're about to land."
A blustery dawn was breaking over the basalt fortress as the intention craft flew in from the south. Mrs. Coulter, sore and heartsick, opened her eyes; she had not been asleep. She could see the angel Xaphania gliding above the landing the room in the adamant tower, where the orderly offered to bring her some food and
"Whatever you have," she said. "And thank you. Oh, by the way," she went on as the man turned to go: "Lord Asriel's alethiometrist, Mr. ..."ground, and then rising and wheeling up to the tower as the craft made for the ramparts.As soon as the craft had landed, Lord Asriel leapt out and ran to join King Ogunwe on the western watchtower, ignoring Mrs. Coulter entirely. The technicians who came at once to attend to the flying machine took no notice of her, either; no one questioned her about the loss of the aircraft she'd stolen; it was as if she'd become invisible. She made her way sadly up to

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gustave Courbet Plage de Normandie

Gustave Courbet Plage de NormandieThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNINGEdward Hopper Sunday
Will of the merciless cruelty of children in a playground, but there were no teachers here to regulate things, no one to appeal to, nowhere to hide.
He set his hand on the knife at his belt and looked her in the eyes, though his head was ringing and the sheer power of her scream had made him dizzy.
"If you're trying to dragonfly, wings quivering, was being held by Tialys on the ground, and then two things happened: the Lady leapt at the harpy and spun around to dig her spur deep into the creature's scaly leg, and Tialys launched the dragonfly upward. In less than a second Salmakia had spun away and leapt off the branch, directly onto the back of her electric blue steed and up into the air.
The effect on the harpy was immediate. Another scream shattered the silence,stop us," he said, "then you'd better be ready to fight as well as scream. Because we're going through that door."The harpy's sickening red mouth moved again, but this time it was to purse her lips into a mock kiss.Then she said, "Your mother is alone. We shall send her nightmares. We shall scream at her in her sleep!"Will didn't move, because out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Lady Salmakia moving delicately along the branch where the harpy was perching. Her

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jack Vettriano Cafe Days

Jack Vettriano Cafe DaysJack Vettriano Busted FlushJack Vettriano Bluebird
and kept her safe and warm, I made sure her body was nourished as she slept... I lay beside her at night, I cradled her in my armsIn fact, though, it was on the Gallivespian that she made the greatest impression. Lord Roke sensed in her a nature as close to that of a scorpion as he had ever encountered, and he was well aware of the power in the sting he could detect under her gentle tone. Better to keep scorpions where you could see them, he thought.
So he supported King Ogunwe when the latter changed his mind and argued that she should stay, and Lord Asriel found himself outflanked: for he now wanted her elsewhere, I wept into her hair, I kissed her sleeping eyes, my little one..."She was shameless. She spoke quietly; she didn't declaim or raise her voice; and when a sob shook her, it was muffled almost into a hiccup, as if she were stifling her emotions for the sake of courtesy. Which made her barefaced lies all the more effective, Lord Asriel thought with disgust; she lied in the very marrow of her bones.She directed her words mainly at King Ogunwe, without seeming to, and Lord Asriel saw that, too. Not only was the king her chief accuser, he was also human, unlike the angel or Lord Roke, and she knew how to play on him.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pierre Auguste Renoir By the Seashore

Pierre Auguste Renoir By the SeashoreThomas Kinkade Victorian AutumnThomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas
After three days in the company of the wheeled creatures, Mary Malone knew rather more about them, and they knew a great deal about her.
That first morning they carried her for an hour or so along the basalt highway to a settlement by a river, and the journey had developed the central spine.
The basalt highway led gradually downward, and after a while the slope increased, so the creatures could freewheel. They tucked their side legs up and steered by leaning to one side or the other, and hurtled along at a speed Mary found terrifying, though she had to admit that the creature she was riding never gave her the slightest feeling of danger. If only she'd had was uncomfortable; she had nothing to hold on to, and the creature's back was hard. They sped along at a pace that frightened her, but the thunder of their wheels on the hard road and the beat of their scudding feet made her exhilarated enough to ignore the discomfort.And in the course of the ride she became more aware of the creatures' physiology. Like the grazers' skeletons, theirs had a diamond-shaped frame, with a limb at each of the comers. Sometime in the distant past, a line of ancestral creatures must have developed this structure and found it worked, just as generations of long-ago crawling things in Mary's world

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Frederic Remington The Cowboy

Frederic Remington The CowboyThomas Kinkade veniceThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MEMORIES
as she turned the corner of the path and looked upward, she saw no golden monkey, no patient woman seated at the cave mouth. The place was empty. She ran the last few yards, afraid they had gone forever, but there was the chair the woman sat in, and the cooking equipment, and everything else.
Ama lookedAnd now that golden monkey was squatting in the entrance, sniffing and turning his head this way and that. Ama saw him bare his sharp teeth, and felt her own daemon burrow into her clothes, mouse-formed and trembling. into the darkness farther back in the cave, her heart beating fast. Surely the sleeper hadn't woken already: in the dimness Ama could make out the shape of the sleeping bag, the lighter patch that was the girl's hair, and the curve of her sleeping daemon.She crept a little closer. There was no doubt about it, they had gone out and left the enchanted girl alone.A thought struck Ama like a musical note: suppose she woke her before the woman returned...But she had hardly time to feel the thrill of that idea before she heard sounds on the path outside, and in a shiver of guilt she and her daemon darted behind a ridge of rock at the side of the cave. She shouldn't be here. She was spying. It was wrong.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thomas Kinkade Evening on the Avenue

Thomas Kinkade Evening on the AvenueThomas Kinkade Cobblestone ChristmasThomas Kinkade Cobblestone Brooke
From the dynamics of social networks to market bubbles, science has a lot to say about the world of technology.One of the great discoveries of modern science was the realization of how interconnected the world is. The these unexpected setbacks, modern science is wonderful, powerful and thought provoking - and relevant to technologists.
The recently discovered science of complex systems is about common patterns that span diverse disciplines from physics to biology, from ecology to economics. This recent science of patterns is directly relevant to what we are doing around the Web. In this post we will discuss 5 different books that will get you fired up deterministic, Newtonian view of a clockwork Universe was replaced by the much more dynamic, uncertain and entangled world of Quantum Mechanics. The new world is the one where Godel forever cut hopes for completeness in mathematics and Turing showed that computation, like the future, is fundamentally unpredictable. Despite

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk

Thomas Gainsborough The Morning WalkThomas Gainsborough The Harvest WagonThomas Gainsborough Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher
Here's a classic technique that not many people know about anymore.You can bet your man has never been stimulated like this.Here's What You Need:One bottle of water-based lubricant.Here's How You Do It:Get your man naked. You, too. Have him lie on the floor, on his back.Sit down at your man's side, facing him. Swing your legs over your middle.With both of your heels planted on the floor, point your right toe upwards.This will cause your right knee to bend, rubbing either the top orunderside of your man's penis (depending on which side you're sitting).As you put that toe back down, point the other one up at the same time.Now the other side of his penis is getting stimulated. Keep alternatingback and forth.Continue until your man erupts in a satisfying orgasm.manand place both feet on the floor on the opposite side (with your legstogether and slightly bent, your knees should be directly over his penis).Apply a small amount of lubricant to the insides of your knees. Nowstraighten out your legs until you capture his penis in between yourknees. Gently press them together, your man's penis in the

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Andy Warhol Shoes c 1980

Andy Warhol Shoes c 1980Andy Warhol Shoes 1980Andy Warhol Shadows II
naturally concluded that the untrammeled expression of sexual energy was vital to their wellbeing. This general "hard and fast rule" has not changed since, despite its unfulfilled promise. (Religious extremists also continues their own brand of unhealthy repression.)
There’s no WarningsIn 1949, von Urban warned how vital it was to get our sex lives flowing in a healthy, unselfish direction, and away from ignorance and self-indulgence. He made these remarks, which have proven prophetic:
In 1936, the divorce rate in Europe averaged 5 percent, exceeding that of Australiaquestion that sexual repression can be harmful. Yet, as von Urban himself noted, humanity needn’t choose between feast and famine where sex is concerned. A well-regulated sex life can offer benefits that neither too much nor too little sex can deliver. As he points out by way of an analogy, the decision to drive on one side of the road curtails our freedom, but offers so much benefit that we all happily adopt this convention.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jack Vettriano An Imperfect Past II

Jack Vettriano An Imperfect Past IIJack Vettriano Amateur PhilosophersJack Vettriano along game a Spider
Poor things!" thought Light, with a sigh. "They have not gained much by receiving the have travelled and seen nothing of all the wonders that surrounded them in my peaceful temple; they were either quarrelling with one another or over-eating themselves until they fell ill. They were too foolish to enjoy their few seconds later, the whole company were gathered together outside a high wall with a small door in it. The first rays of the dawn were gilding the tree-tops. Tyltyl and Mytyl, whom Light was fondly supporting with her arms, woke up, rubbed their eyes and looked around them in astonishment.
"What?" said Light to Tyltyl. "Don't you know that wall and that little door?"
The sleepy boy shook his head: he remembered nothing. Then Light assisted his memory:
"The wall," she said, "surrounds a house which we left one evening just a year ago to-day..."
"Just a year ago?... Why, then..." And, clapping his hands with glee, Tyltyl ran to the door. "We must be near Mummy!... I want to kiss her at once, at once, at once?”
But Light stopped him. It was too early, she said: Mummy and Daddy were still asleep and he must not wake them with a start.
At that moment, a pretty dove, with silver wings, alighted on her knees. It wore an emerald collar round its neck, with a note fastened to the clasp. The dove was the Fairy Bérylune's messenger. Light opened the letter and read these few words:
"Remember that the year is over."
Then Light stood up, waved her wand and everything disappeared from sight.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hofmann study for the pause

Hofmann study for the pauseHofmann beverley disrobingAbrishami Twilight DanceAbrishami TOUCHING THE NIGHT
dreadful silence fell across the conference table as the commander of the Vl'hurgs, resplendent in his black jewelled battle shorts, gazed levelly at the G'Gugvuntt leader squatting opposite him in a cloud of green sweet-smelling steam, and, with a million sleek and horribly beweaponed star cruisers poised to unleash electric death at his single word of they came across - which happened to be the Earth - where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog. Those who study the complex interplay of cause and effect in the history of the Universe say that this sort of thing is going on all the time, but that we are powerless to prevent it.command, challenged the vile creature to take back what it had said about his mother. The creature stirred in his sickly broiling vapour, and at that very moment the words I seem to be having tremendous difficulty drifted across the conference table. Unfortunately, in the Vl'hurg tongue this was the most dreadful insult imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for centuries. Eventually of course, after their Galaxy had been decimated over a few thousand years, it was realized that the whole thing had been a ghastly mistake, and so the two opposing battle fleets settled their few remaining differences in order to launch a joint identified as the source of the offending remark. For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet