Monday, January 5, 2009

Jack Vettriano An Imperfect Past II

Jack Vettriano An Imperfect Past IIJack Vettriano Amateur PhilosophersJack Vettriano along game a Spider
Poor things!" thought Light, with a sigh. "They have not gained much by receiving the have travelled and seen nothing of all the wonders that surrounded them in my peaceful temple; they were either quarrelling with one another or over-eating themselves until they fell ill. They were too foolish to enjoy their few seconds later, the whole company were gathered together outside a high wall with a small door in it. The first rays of the dawn were gilding the tree-tops. Tyltyl and Mytyl, whom Light was fondly supporting with her arms, woke up, rubbed their eyes and looked around them in astonishment.
"What?" said Light to Tyltyl. "Don't you know that wall and that little door?"
The sleepy boy shook his head: he remembered nothing. Then Light assisted his memory:
"The wall," she said, "surrounds a house which we left one evening just a year ago to-day..."
"Just a year ago?... Why, then..." And, clapping his hands with glee, Tyltyl ran to the door. "We must be near Mummy!... I want to kiss her at once, at once, at once?”
But Light stopped him. It was too early, she said: Mummy and Daddy were still asleep and he must not wake them with a start.
At that moment, a pretty dove, with silver wings, alighted on her knees. It wore an emerald collar round its neck, with a note fastened to the clasp. The dove was the Fairy Bérylune's messenger. Light opened the letter and read these few words:
"Remember that the year is over."
Then Light stood up, waved her wand and everything disappeared from sight.

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