Monday, April 20, 2009

Johannes Vermeer Lady Standing at a Virginal

Johannes Vermeer Lady Standing at a VirginalJohannes Vermeer A Lady Writing a Letter
But there was a price. No one asked you to pay it, but the very absence of demand was a moral obligation. You tended not to swat. You dug lightly. You fed the dog. You paid. You cared; not because it was kind or good, but because it was right. You left nothing but memories, you took nothing but experience.
But this other roving intelligence . . . it’d go in and out of another mind like a chainsaw, taking, taking, taking. She could sense the shape of it, the predatory shape, all cruelty and cool unkindness; a mind full of intelligence, that’d use other goes the other
“What thing?”
“You know what a bat’s eyesight is like. Just a big shape is all it saw. Something killed old Scrope. It’s still around. Not an ... not one o’ the Lords and Ladies,” said Granny, “but something from El... that place.”
Nanny looked at the shadows. There are a lot of shad-ows in aliving things and hurt them because it was fun.She could put a name to a mind like that.Elf.Branches thrashed high in the trees.Granny and Nanny strode through the forest. At least, Granny Weatherwax strode. Nanny Ogg scurried.“The Lords and Ladies are trying to find a way,” saidGranny. “And there’s something else. Something’salready come through. Some kind of animal from theother side. Scrope chased a deer into the circle and thething must have been there, and they always used to saysomething can come through if something

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